Bakelite Botlek B.V. Investors

Investor & Market Data.

In this section you will find data on Investor's total return and share price development, historically as well as on a daily basis. You will also find other information related to the Investor share. Our calendar shows upcoming and previous Investor events and important dates.

We provides top
industrial services

Ensures reliable and flexible operation with an independent position in comparison with the general cargo market.


Offers specialised storage and handling facilities for oils; fats and gas with a total capacity of over 1.2 million m3.


customized solutions for logistics supported by a first-class fleet counting more than 45 vessels in our group-owned company.

Check Our Terminals

Checkout now our recently
completed terminals

The Capital Markets

Invitation to the Capital Markets Day.

Bakelite Botlek B.V. has the pleasure of inviting investors, analysts, media and other stakeholders to attend our annual Capital Markets Day on Wednesday from 09:00-11:30


Capital Markets Day presentation

At ​Bakelite Botlek B.V. Targeting our optimal capital structure and meet the future with a competitive and flexible oil and gas storage tank platform.


Investor and Media Services

Bakelite Botlek B.V. Investor’s investments are divided into Listed storage Investments, tank storage Industries and transshipping Investments this consists of our long-term, strategic holdings. Our owned subsidiaries and other unlisted investments.


Risks and Risk Management

At ​Bakelite Botlek B.V. Investors risk management is an integral part of the Group’s processes, meaning that control and responsibility for control is close to the business operations.

Quality, affordable, storage
and logistics services

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